Thursday, September 17, 2009

Response to the Vermont MIDI project

The Vermont MIDI project is an online source where students in grades 1-12 can and are encouraged to post compositions of their own. Creating and composing a piece is one of MENC's national standards, and should be applied to every classroom. Most music teachers have little experience with composing themselves, and have trouble teaching to their students because of it. What the Vermont MIDI project does is allow students to post their compositions online, and have peers/mentors edit and look through their piece and make suggestions. There are also moderators to make sure that the feedback given to the students is always constructive, and does not put the students down.
In the end, everyone benefits from using the VMP, the students become better listeners, musicians, and performers, and the teachers become better composers, critical listeners, and become better at teaching composing. The VMP is a good resource and I wish I would have known about it back when I was in high school, it could have given me a chance to get interested into composing!


  1. I totally agree with you, this Project is needed everywhere. There are so many benefits that this project holds that it really is astounding.

    I think that if we combined what we did on Noteflight, and The VMP, we would get a really, really interesting response.

    When I get my first job I think I would implement this Project because I think it is one of the most innovative teaching strategies I have seen.

  2. It would be great to expand this program or duplicate it in other parts of the country. Did you read the article by Peter Webster? There are more great ideas there to consider using in the classroom.

  3. Composition is such an important part of comprehensive musicianship, yet probably the one most feared by educators. This program in Vermont is most impressive!
